EFGF mom’s Blog

Earth Friendly and Gluten Free starter’s guide

After the Garage Sale July 26, 2010

What to do with all the stuff you have left over after a garage sale?

Well, www.readindeed.org will take all the children’s books off your hands. They get them directly into the hands of other children who don’t have books.


Read Indeed for Kids, KARE11 and M&I Bank unite (Reuse) June 2, 2009

Are you cleaning out the house in preparation for the kids to get out of school?
I know we have been cleaning through our books to prepare our summer reading lists.
As we are cleaning, we have come across many books that are too easy for the kids. Well just in time, my favorite place to donate gently used books is doing a book drive in conjunction with KARE11- they are running PSA ads and M&I banks- they are drop off sites.
This is a very cool story about 1 9-year old girl who is trying to make a difference. Her goal is to donate 1 million books by the time she is 18. She is currently at 50,000.
For more information about the drive… http://www.kare11.com/life/community/community_article.aspx?storyid=756265
For more information about Read Indeed… http://www.readindeedforkids.blogspot.com/